100 % Satisfaction Guarantee!

Buying a home? Make sure it's a good one!

It's your biggest investment.
.. and your future home! Make sure it is as good as it seems to be with a certified home inspection from Jason Hurwitz. I will thoroughly create an inspection report that covers over 1,000 problematic areas. This means you will have no surprises. I work for you, the buyer, not the seller or the real estate agents. This insures that my independent inspection report is unbiased, truthful, and could save you thousand of dollars!
For Home Owners

There's nothing more rewarding than owning your own home. But as all homeowners know, routine maintenance is essential to preserving a properly functioning home. Problems that go unchecked for too long can become costly to repair. To avoid serious problems...and to maintain a safe home for you and your family... Affordable Home Inspection will provide you with a superior home inspection and a better price. Guaranteed! Most home inspections only cover 400 points. My service will provide you with a thorough evaluation, covering over 1000 points inside and outside of your home. For peace of mind, call now! (801) 548-3242

Salt Lake City Home Inspections LLC